I’m an artist and first-degree art teacher from the Netherlands. I love creating videos and blogs about painting for both beginners and advanced painters.

New real time tutorial for All-Access Patreon members: aerial perspective (250 minutes)

When we're painting, we're creating the illusion of three dimensions on a flat surface. One of the most powerful tools to achieve that effect is aerial perspective (atmospheric depth).

In this tutorial we're going to explore how changes in color, value and detail can bring a lot of depth in your painting.

Below is a timelapse video of the tutorial:

Click here for an overview of all my YouTube videos on painting with acrylics. There are videos on color mixing, tonal values, materials and short and long tutorials. 

Click here for my blogs on painting and drawing (and occasionally a personal blog). 

Your support means a lot! If you like my videos and blogs, you can support me directly by becoming a Patreon.

Latest blogs:

Moving to new studio


At the moment I’m moving into my new studio. I thought it would be fun to share a bit about this.



The importance of tonal values


We live in a three dimensional world and we perceive it that way thanks to the differences in light and dark. Everything you see has a tonal value on a scale from black to white.